As the chief academic officer at the University of Georgia, the senior vice president for academic affairs and provost guides efforts to promote excellence in teaching, research and public service.



The University of Georgia is one month away from the start of fall semester, and I want to extend my thanks to all of the faculty, staff, and administrators who have worked so hard over the past several months to prepare for a safe return to campus. MORE


Art Edison's expertise lies in metabolomics, the study of essentially all the small molecules that make up an organism, tissues, or cells. Changes in the levels of these chemicals can be markers of disease. Edison and his lab hope these markers can help identify how COVID-19 is making people sick and what can be done to stop it. MORE

Dean of the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences search 
A 24-member committee is conducting a national search. MORE 

Vice Provost for Graduate Education and Dean of the Graduate School search
The position has been elevated to the Vice Provost level to signal the important role graduate and professional education plays in promoting research and innovation. MORE